Sunday, February 26, 2012

Chapter 4 - Deliverance

Introduction to the Reading: Last Monday I had off of work because of President's Day, so my wife Melissa, Pongo the Future Leader Dog, and I went to the Museum. While there we walked through the various areas, each exhibiting the various cultures from around the world. Many of the exhibits, of course, also explained the beliefs and worship of these cultures. I must admit that I wondered, like I'm sure many of you have, "How do I know that the God I worship is the true God?"

Moses, in our reading today, is going in front the Isrealite people to say that God has sent him to lead them. On top of it, he is also going to have to stand up to the ruler of arguably the most powerful nation at the time, and ask that the Isrealites be able to leave Egypt. Pharoah, the Egyptian ruler, detests the Isrealites, sees them as slave labor, and has absolutely no respect for their God. Why would he let them worship a God that his culture doesn't believe is the true God? For that matter, how would the Isrealites know that they were following, quite literally, the true God? How would Moses know that he could trust the words he heard?  Sounds very much like many of the questions that go through our minds at times, doesn't it?

Today as you read, make a list - literally grab a piece of paper and a pencil. List all the ways that God, our God, the true God made himself known to mankind. Next to each item, list what that tells us about him. See what God has shown you about himself!

Before You Read - Background of the Book of Exodus: A number of years has past since the end of our last reading in Genesis. The children of Isreal (aka Jacob) have grown numerous in the "incubator" of Egypt. However, we are told a new pharaoh came to power "to whom Joseph meant nothing" (1:8). This may have been Seti I who consolidated power under a new dynasty and subjected the "Hyksos" (possibly the Egyptian term for the Hebrews/Isrealites) who had ruled Lower Egypt. He continued his father Ramses II's building projects, quite possibly using the Hebrews as his slave labor. But while the Pharoah thinks he has masterfully brought the Isrealites into subjection and at the same time found cheap labor, God has other plans and is already raising up a new leader....

Time to Slow it Down - Pages 48 "I am the Lord."
How many times on this page does God say, "I am the Lord?" Does it seem odd that he repeats this phrase?
  • What do you think he is trying to get at by repeating this phrase?
  • Between these phrases, God describes what he has or will do. List (yes, it actually helps to write it down) each of the verbs God uses to describe his actions.
  • How do each of these acts define who he is? What do they tell us about the Lord?
  • What things does the Lord want Moses to think of when he hears his name? What do you think of when you hear the name of the Lord?
God has recently told his name to Moses (see page 46). While the precise meaning of the LORD (YHWH or Yahweh or Jehovah) is unclear (see "For those who like more"), the root of the word is related to the verb "to be" or "I am." Why would God chose such a name?

When You're Done Reading - Thoughts to Ponder: My parents recently got back from a trip to the Middle East. While they were there, they got to see the pyramids. Even when I was little, I remember my mom talking about wanting to see the pyramids. 

The grandiose work of the pharaohs remain today. Compared to the works of the Isrealites from that time, the Egyptians clearly outdid them. But in terms of the works of their gods, the Isrealites are clearly the winners. What have the Egyptian gods done? Or maybe I should ask, have the Egyptian gods done anything? Of course not, they aren't even real! Now compare that with the God of the Isrealites, the LORD. He sent the plagues, divided the Red Sea, sent food and water, protected his people, took on human flesh, rose from the dead, and brought you and me to faith - just for starters. 

I can't get over the LORD's answer to Moses, when Moses asked how it could be that he would lead the Isrealites out of Egypt. The Lord explained that it wasn't Moses leading the people, but the Lord would be leading the people with Moses. Then he gives Moses a sign to assure him that this promise would be kept. He says, "When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain" (p. 46). Think about it; that's like saying, "I promise you will be rich some day, and to prove it, you will live in this mansion." It's really not much of a sign at all. All it is, is another promise. The sign itself requires faith! Moses simply was to have faith that the Lord would keep his word.

Did you notice all the signs the Lord gave of his power: the burning bush, the plagues, the red sea, the pillar of smoke and fire, the miracles in the desert. Do you wonder why the Lord decided to send 10 different plagues? If he knew that Pharaoh wouldn't give in until the death of the firstborn, why go through all of the other signs? The LORD was giving time for Pharaoh to repent. He showed Pharaoh his power time and time and time again. Each time, however, Pharaoh and the Egyptians hardened their heart. Eventually the Lord hardened his heart (p. 54) and brought judgment on the Egyptians for rejecting him. Death was the result of unbelief.

Are things much different today? The LORD has truly made himself known as the true God. We look around at nature and see his power. We have recorded in the scriptures his miraculous works. He has revealed himself to us. Yet people time and time again reject him. Scientists, much like the Egyptian magicians, claim that they can recreate God's works. (Yet much like the Egyptian magicians, we still can't explain the miracles God did or does. We still wonder, "How did he do that?")  People harden their hearts to God's Word. At some point, God's judgment will come, and the result will be death - eternal death.

On the other hand, much like Moses, we live by faith. We trust that God will keep his promises, simply because he said so. Do we marvel at his works and his power? Of course! But when it comes down to it, is that why we believe in him? No. We live by faith. What sign does God give us that he will lead us out of this foreign land of earth? He says, "When I have destroyed the earth and brought you through the judgement, you will worship God around his throne in heaven." That is why we believe - because of a promise.

Making it My Own: The LORD has made a pretty big deal about his name in this lesson. I think by now you can see why. First of all, because he wanted to be known as the true God. But there is more than that. It is also because he gives us his name to call on in trouble. Here is a transcendent God who is bigger, more powerful, more...everything...than we can think or imagine. Yet he has revealed himself to us. Why? So that he can dominate and rule us like Pharaoh ruled the Isrealites? No! Why did the LORD come to Moses? "I have seen the misery of my people" (p. 46). He comes to us, reveals himself to us, and shares his name with us, why? Because he loves us and wants to help us! Amazing!

There are many things that God is: God IS all-powerful. God IS all-knowing. God IS everywhere. God IS eternal. It's no wonder that he calls himself the God who "IS." Even when nothing else existed, God still "IS." And yet how does he want to be known? What does he want us to think about when we hear his name? "God IS love." (1 John 4:8). 

When is God praised? When does he get glory? "I will gain glory for myself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord" (p. 53). God's name is glorified when people not only acknowledge him as the true God, but when they see his love in rescuing his people.

It really bothers me when people throw around God's name like it is no big deal. "God," "Jesus Christ," "Oh Lord," are all names God has given us not to interject into sentences, but to pray to him. In fact, he says to us in the Second Commandment, "You shall not use the LORD's name in vain." But Luther explains so clearly why we shouldn't use his name heedlessly, "But call upon [his name] in every trouble, pray, praise, and give thanks." God reveals his name to us so that our lives may be blessed through it.

Watch how you and those around you use his name. When you use it or hear it used without any thought, stop to pause and think exactly why the Lord has revealed himself to us and what that name means to you."

Jesus! Name of wondrous love!
Name all other names above!
Unto which must every knee
Bow in deep humility.

Jesus! Name of priceless worth
To the fallen sons of earth,
For the promise that it gave—
“Jesus shall His people save.”

Jesus! Name of mercy mild,
Given to the holy Child,
When the cup of human woe
First He tasted here below.

Jesus! Only name that’s given
Under all the mighty heaven,
Whereby man, to sin enslaved,
Bursts his fetters, and is saved.

Jesus! Name of wondrous love,
Human name of God above!
Pleading only this, we flee,
Helpless, O our God, to Thee.

For those who like more:
  • I haven't even mentioned the great foreshadowing of our Passover Lamb. How does Passover picture Christ? While Passover pictured Jesus who was to come, how does the Lord's supper (instituted by Jesus during the Passover meal) remember and seal what Christ has already done?
  • Romans 9:1-28  
    • What point does Paul make in bringing up Pharaoh? According to Paul, what was God's purpose with Pharaoh?
    • Have you ever thought, "Wouldn't it be cool to be God's special nation?" According to Paul, who makes up God's special nation?
    • When did God put his name on you? When did you become the possession of the "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?"
  • A short devotion on "The Lord our Righteousness" - Jeremiah 33
  • The Theological and Practical Aspects of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH)
  • And of course wikipedia's explanation:

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chapter 3 - Joseph: From Slave to Deputy Pharoah

Introduction to the Reading:  What is the worst job you've ever had? Many of you have seen the TV show Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe. I haven't worked in sewers or cleaned up manure, but I have worked in 100 degree weather picking up large stones in a field and cutting down weeds. The thing is, although it was tough work, I didn't mind it.

Usually it's not the nature of the work that makes us dislike it, but rather the situation that put us there. or the boss for whom we are working. Tough work doesn't bother me. It's when I don't want to work, then even the easiest task can be a burden.

Today we meet Joseph, a model for us of serving where God has called you. Joseph's story is one that is probably familiar to you, whether you heard it as a kid or saw it on Broadway's Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat. It's a fascinating story filled with ups and downs, moral dilemmas, and a happy ending. It makes for a great story! But as you read today, think of how you would tell the story to your children. In particular, pay attention to the moral lessons you would point out to them. In fact, list them on a piece of paper as you read. Notice how Joseph serves as a role model - not only for your kids - but for you. Notice how Joseph can be a reminder for you of how to serve when you find yourself in a job, a place, a situation that you wouldn't have chosen on your own, and think how the Lord could bless you and work through you even there!

Before You Read - Background of the Book of Genesis: As I mentioned the last two weeks, Moses is telling the Isrealites about their history. In fact, most likely he is writing down these events while they are wandering in the desert (as we will hear about the next few weeks). They must have thought, "Why did God bring us out here in the desert?"Moses explains to them how God had used the land of Egypt to rescue their forefathers from famine and as a land in which a family could grow into a nation. The story of Joseph also was a lesson for the Isrealites wandering in the desert that even in strange places - places that they might not have wanted to be - the Lord was looking out for them as well!

Time to Slow it Down - Pages 31 & 32
As you read, how does Joseph serve as a role model in each of the following verses:
  • His master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did.
  • Potiphar left everything he had in Joseph's care; with Joseph in charge, he did not concern himself with anything except the food he ate.
  • "How could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?"
  • He refused to go to bed with her or even be with her.
  • The Lord was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.
When You're Done Reading - Thoughts to Ponder: It seems that Joseph had everything he could have asked for in his old age: he had served as the second in command of all of Egypt, his family was re-united and living in a prosperous and well-to-do community in the land, and he lived to see the third generation of his son Ephraim's children.

Yet something was missing. He wasn't home yet. Notice that his last wishes are to be buried in the land that had been promised to his great-grandfather Abraham. Joseph realized that Egypt wasn't his homeland. It was just part of God's bigger plan. The Lord had found a way to turn a disaster into a rescue for the family of Jacob (Aka. Israel). In addition, in Egypt Jacob's family would grow into a great nation. But the promise of a land to call their own still hadn't been fulfilled. And the nation through whom our Savior would come was just in it's infancy. 

Maybe you love your job. Maybe you have the perfect home in a well-to-do community. Maybe things are going well, as they were for Joseph in his old age. Or maybe not. Whether or not life is everything you hoped for or whether it's more of a dirty job, we aren't home yet. Where is your true home? Where are you in that journey home?

Hymn of the Day:
1 All depends on our possessing
God's abundant grace and blessing,
Though all earthly wealth depart.
He who trusts with faith unshaken
By their God are not forsaken
And will keep a dauntless heart.
3 Many spend their lives in fretting
Over trifles and in getting
Things that have no solid ground.
I shall strive to win a treasure
That will bring me lasting pleasure
And that now is seldom found.
5 Well He knows what best to grant me;
All the longing hopes that haunt me,
Joy and sorrow, have their day.
I shall doubt His wisdom never;
As God wills, so be it ever;
I commit to Him my way.
6 If my days on earth He lengthen,
God my weary soul will stengthen;
All my trust in Him I place.
Earthly wealth is not abiding,
Like a stream away is gliding;
Safe I anchor in His grace.
Making it My Own: The life of Joseph teaches us an important lesson about contentment. We also see some prime examples of the opposite. Joseph's brothers were jealous of him. They wanted the favor he received. They wanted the special gifts he got from his father. Potiphar's wife wanted something she couldn't have: Joseph. 
How often don't we want things that the Lord hasn't given to us. Society tells us we deserve stuff. Everyone has the latest phone. I deserve one. Everyone is getting a new car. I should have one. But it's not just stuff. Why did my co-worker get the job promotion I deserve? Why did my friend make the team and I didn't? Why are my friends healthy, and I'm stuck with this illness?
In stark contrast, we find Joseph. While a slave, he works hard. While in prison, he's respected. While a foreigner, he's placed over all the land of Egypt. Did he aspire to these positions? No. But whatever the position he was in, he worked as if God himself was his boss. He realized in whatever place he lived, he was really serving the Lord. Joseph served the Lord, and let the Lord take care of the rest.
Sometimes we don't always see how God is working. It may be a bit of a silly example, but I remember once when my motorcycle broke down. I had to be towed and I spent a few hundred dollars getting it fixed. Interestingly enough, that weekend a storm came through. Trees were knocked over and limbs were down. When I drove in the parking lot with my car, there was a large tree limb laying right where I normally parked my motorcycle. I don't know if the Lord caused my motorcycle to break down so that it wouldn't be destroyed in the storm, but it made me think of how many times we don't know how the Lord is using what we perceive as troubles for our good.
Joseph, knowing that the Lord was working through all his hardships, was content. Luther, in explaining the 9th and 10th Commandments, teaches us what our lives look like when we are content. 
The Ninth Commandment.
Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's house.
What does this mean?
We should fear and love God that we may not craftily seek to get our neighbor's inheritance or house, and obtain it by a show of  right, etc., but help and be of service to him in keeping it.
The Tenth Commandment.
Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his cattle, nor anything that is his.
What does this mean?
We should fear and love God that we may not estrange, force, or entice away our neighbor's wife, servants, or cattle, but urge them to stay and [diligently] do their duty.

Notice that not coveting also involves the opposite as well. Joseph didn't covet Potiphar's belongings and justify himself by saying, "I was wrongfully made a slave. It's only right that some of this should be mine!" Instead, he helped Potiphar gain more wealth! Joseph not only didn't give in to Potiphar's wife's wishes, he kept away from her. He fled the temptation. 

Where did Joseph find contentment? In knowing that the Lord had him just where he wanted him. Yes, that included when Joseph was in the pit. Yes, that included when he was a slave. Yes, that included when he was in prison. Joseph later tells his brothers, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."

For those who like more:

  • More scripture: 1 Timothy 6
    • v. 1 - What reason does Paul give for serving faithfully even under unbelieving bosses?
    • v. 5 - Are there physical blessings that come with living a godly life?
    • v. 10 - Paul doesn't say money is the root of evil. What is the root of all kinds of evil?
    • v. 17 - Instead of thinking about we don't have and others do, what should we think about?
    • v. 18 Instead of thinking about ways of getting, what are some things we should be giving?
    • v. 20-21 What is one possession we should guard closely?
  • More Scripture: Ephesians 6:5-9
    • When we work, who are we really working for? Who is your boss?
    • How did Joseph display this sort of character?
  • More Scripture: Philippians 4:10-20
    • Keep in mind that Paul, like Joseph, was in prison when he wrote this. Where did he find contentment?
    • v. 18 - Although the Philippians had given gifts to Paul, who were these offerings really for?
    • v. 19 - In what way were the Philippians rich?
  • It has been argued that Luther's most significant theological "find" - other than the doctrine of justification - is the doctrine of Christian vocation, that is, hearing God's calling in whatever place he has put us. Learn more about the doctrine of vocation:

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Chapter 2 - God Builds a Nation

Listen to the Bible Study: 

Introduction to the Reading: Change - some deal with change better than others. I'd like to think that I handle change well. I've lived in all sorts of situations: dormitories, apartments, homes... I've lived in all sorts of places: Minnesota, California, even spent 6 months living out of a backpack while wandering through Europe. And yet, I have to admit, moving back to Franklin this last fall, starting a new job, and getting to know new people - it all was a bit overwhelming. I was stressed. At points I felt overwhelmed. Sometimes I even was scared. Change can be frightening.

Now imagine moving to a new home when you are 75 years old. On top of it, moving to a new country. In fact, heading out to live in a tent without knowing where you will end up. Stressful? Confusing? Scary? You bet! But today we read the story of Abraham and his children, and the Lord shows us how he can use times of uncertainty to give us something even greater. As you read, what would you say is the greatest gift God gave Abraham? How can God use uncertainty and change in your life?

Before You Read - Background of the Book of Genesis:  Much like a historian today would write about Columbus to remind us of our origins as a nation, Moses is writing roughly 500 years after the events we read about occur. Moses tells the Israelites about their forefathers 
and their origins. 

Abraham's name means "Father of Nations." It is a fitting name since the Midianite, Edomite, Hittite, Hivite, Amalekite, and Israelite nations all traced their roots back to Abraham. But Abraham was more than just the forefather of the Israelites by blood. He also was called by God to be their spiritual father. Through Abraham the truth of one God, the true God, was passed down to the Israelites. This makes Abraham our Father as well. Maybe some of you sang the song in Sunday School, "Father Abraham, had many sons, and many sons had father Abraham. I am one of them, and so are you. So let's all praise the Lord." Indeed as we read about Abraham today - let's all praise the Lord!  

Time to Slow it Down - Page 13 "I will make you into a great nation...and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

We didn't even start reading, and already we are slowing down?!?! Well the Lord has just called Abraham to do something crazy: at the age of 75 he is going to leave everyone he knows, his home, and all the places that he remembers as a kid - and he is to go to "the land I will show you." Sounds vague, doesn't it? This isn't just a move! Abraham is going to have some serious struggles: envious neighbors, battles with kings, famines, family struggles, and more! Life will be anything but easy - and all of this just at the point Abraham was probably thinking of retiring! But he has one thing to hang on to: the Lord's promises. As you read, list the ways the Lord keeps each of his promises to Abraham 
  • I will make you into a great nation
  • I will bless you.
  • I will make your name great.
  • You will be a blessing.
  • I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse.
  • All peoples on earth will be blessed through you.
  • (And on the very next page...)
  • To your offspring I will give this land.
- Page 16 You may wonder, "How could Abraham take a concubine...and how could Sarah allow it?" This actually wasn't that uncommon in their culture. Such a high priority was put on having children, that essentially anything was permissible so long as you could carry on your family line. We too often allow culture to dictate what is right and wrong, instead of following God's path.

On top of it, Abraham was promised a child from God. Abraham was simply thinking, "Maybe God needs my help?" It sounds silly when you put it that way, but how often haven't you thought that God needs your help?

When You're Done Reading - Thoughts to Ponder: Of the promises you read at the beginning of the chapter today, how many did Abraham actually see fulfilled? Can you imagine sharing this story with your kids and they ask you, "Did Abraham see his family form into a great nation? Did he ever actually get any land in Canaan? (He did purchase a burial plot...but that's it. Definitely not a home!) Did he see all nations on earth blessed through him?" You stumble through your words as you try to respond to each question, "Well No - not really..."

The great nation wouldn't start to form until after about 200 years later. The Isrealites wouldn't take possession of Canaan until after the days of Moses, some 500 years later. And it wouldn't be until nearly 2000 years later that the great-grandson of Abraham would be born by the name of Jesus, the God-man, through whose life and death all people have been justified before God.Through him all people would be blessed.

And yet, I'd have to say the greatest gift that the Lord gave Abraham was the gift of faith. This faith Abraham passed down to his children and grandchildren. Interspersed throughout our lesson today were scripture passages from the New Testament books of Romans and Hebrews. The New Testament Christians still looked back to Abraham with fondness - even those that weren't Isrealites. They saw how Abraham's faith was an example for them - that "faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see" (Hebrews 11:1).

The early Christians also realized they shared something more: they shared the faith in the Messiah that Abraham had, years before he came. (Interestingly enough, the mountain on which the Lord provided a lamb as a substitute for Isaac, is the temple mount in Jerusalem - Where Jesus, the lamb of God, would serve as our substitute.) As Christians we have the same faith as Abraham, namely that through Jesus we have a home- not an earthly home - not a physical piece of land here on earth. Abraham never built a home in Canaan. Now, through Jesus we have an eternal home - a home in heaven. 

To Pray: 
I’m but a stranger here, Heav’n is my home;
Earth is a desert drear, Heav’n is my home.
Danger and sorrow stand round me on every hand;
Heav’n is my fatherland, Heav’n is my home.

What though the tempest rage, Heav’n is my home;
Short is my pilgrimage, Heav’n is my home;
Time’s cold and wild wintry blast soon shall be over past;
I shall reach home at last, Heav’n is my home.

There Savior at your side Heav’n is my home;
I shall be glorified, Heav’n is my home.
There are the good and blest, those I loved most and best;
There, too, I soon shall rest, Heav’n is my home.

Making it My Own
If you were to start  nation, who would you pick as a starting family? Maybe a nice, young couple! Who would you pick to start your church? An unbeliever? Probably not! (Joshua 24:2-3 explains that Abraham was an unbeliever when God called him.) If you had to pick the lineage of the Savior, who would you chose? Probably not Abraham. But  God sometimes picks the unlikely people and the unlikely paths to teach us one thing: success doesn't depend on our doing, but on God's promises.

Adam Barr, in the book Exploring The Story, writes, "God's will is lived forward and understood backward." We need to humble ourselves. We need to admit that when we thought we were helping God by doing things our way, we in fact weren't trusting him. What we really needed was to have faith in his promises.

What changes have happened in your life recently? What are you unsure about? What makes you nervous about the future? 

The Lord has called you from unbelief as well. Luther explains the third article of the Apostle's Creed this way, "I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him; but the Holy Ghost has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith."

How may the Lord be using these trials and uncertainties to lead you to trust him - to build up your faith? When it seems to our reason that God is working against you, how could he really be using those events to keep your faith strong? How may the Lord be giving you an even greater gift than happiness now - how may he be strengthening your faith through these struggles?

For those who like more:
  • A/D  "A person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone." - What point is James making when he writes about the faith of Abraham? (James 2:14-26)
  • Additional scripture reading: Galatians 3:6-9
  • Read about Islam's claim to Abraham as their father:

Last but not least (This is Pastor Ben here now):

I mentioned on Sunday during the group session that I would post a link to an academic paper that I wrote during my second year at the Seminary on "The Angel of the LORD" whom we meet in chapter two of The Story a couple of here it is for those of you who'd like to go deeper into that topic.It's a little heady but don't let the Hebrew scare you off if you're interested.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Chapter 1 - Creation

Listen to the Bible Study:

Introduction to the Reading: Have you ever messed up? I mean really messed up.  Have you ever had to face consequences for a mistake? Not just detention or some sort of fine, but life changing consequences.  Have you gotten kicked out of school? Fired from a job? Gotten in trouble with the law? Have you done something that altered the course of your life and impacted those around you?

The opening chapters of Genesis can raise plenty of questions: How could God creating anything out of nothing? How could he create this whole world in six days? Why did he place the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the garden? Where did Satan come from? How could God flood the whole earth? How could all the animals fit in the ark? The list goes on and on.

The question I would ask, though, is simply this: How did Adam feel? How did he feel when he realized he was naked? When he stood before God, and God saw everything - saw right through him - saw that he had failed at keeping the one command that had been given him... How did it feel the first time he went out into the field to try to grow grain - the long days under the hot sun - the hours trying to get the grain out of the husk so that he could eat it, and the entire time thinking of the days back in the garden when luscious fruit hung from the vine for the taking. How did he feel when he laid down to sleep the night after he heard one of his sons had killed the other? Did he feel responsible? Depressed? Confused? In his old age, did he see his great-great-grandchildren reveling in sin and having no regard for God, and sore with arthritis did he sit on his chair and shake his head at how far things had come from the days in the Garden?

As Adam wrestled in his mind with what he experience, how did he answer the question, "Now what?"

Before You Read - Background of the Book of Genesis: Everyone is somewhat curious about their origins. I heard a reporter the other day say that he wasn't all that excited to learn about his genealogy, until he had to do it for a segment on the news. However, he was excited when he started to get into it and found out that he could trace his roots back to the 16th century. The book of Genesis is a book of genealogies - of histories. Moses wrote the book of Genesis thousand of years after the events we read about this week occurred. One reason he wrote this book was to show the Israelites, the nation he was leader of, where they had come from. We will read of the fathers of the nation of Israel: Abraham, Jacob, and Joseph. This week we read about how all people have descended from Noah and Adam. We we learn where we came from and where the earth we live in came from. But God shares with us something even more important - where our Savior from sin Jesus came from: a great-grandchild of Eve as to his humanity, but God from all eternity as to his deity - come to us as the result of a promise made on the heels of the very first sin.

Time to Slow it Down - Page 6 "And I will put enmity..."

Note: Enmity = hatred/hostility
  • Who is speaking? 
  • Who is he speaking to - who is the "you"?
  • Who is the "he"?
  • How would Jesus (oops I just gave away the answer to the last question) crush Satan's head?
  • How would Satan strike at Jesus's heal?
  • For Adam are these words of punishment or promise?
  • Is there any significance as to the timing of when they are spoken?

When You're Done Reading - Thoughts to Ponder:
  • What facts about God does this Chapter reveal to you?
In explaining the 1st article of the Apostle's Creed, Luther wrote in his Small Catechism, "I believe that God has made me and all creatures; that He has given me my body and soul, eyes, ears, and all my limbs, my reason, and all my senses, and still preserves them." Luther also recognized that God didn't just stop at creating us. Not at all, "That he provides me richly and daily with all that I need to support my body and life."  But these truths aren't just thoughts to appreciate. They lead to actions! "For all which I owe it to Him to thank, praise, serve, and obey Him."

  • What truths about me does this Chapter reveal?
As I read this chapter, I'm struck at how much I've messed up. I can't help but notice how far off of the "ideal" I am from what God intended. Not only have I, like my father Adam, failed. More than that, like the rest of Adam's decedents I can't help but sin. I deserve to be destroyed - to be drowned in the water's of the flood. I've messed up. I am not holy like God.

  • What truths about God does this Chapter show me?
Three characteristics of God jump out at me: His power - to speak and whole universes come into being. His justice & judgment on sin - he has no tolerance for wickedness. His love - his LOVE! I think the sweetest words in this whole chapter are these, "Where are you?" Sometimes I wonder why God didn't just throw this whole world into the garbage like I threw my sea-monkeys into the garbage when they weren't all that I expected. He didn't - the fact that he came to Adam just astonishes me. Adam is hiding in a corner like a kid who knows dad's looking for him, but God comes to find him where he is at! Oh there are consequences for Adam and Eve, but before the consequences God starts out with words of promise and words of hope - the promise of descendant who would crush Satan and make things right again. And in the midst of a wicked world, God is right there to rescue his people - the very waters he uses to destroy wickedness are the same waters he uses to rescue Noah and his family. God is powerful. God is just. But where there is powerful judgment, there is also God's love. 

Conclusion: Adam had every reason to feel depressed, to be angry with himself, to kick himself for messing up. Adam very well may have spent long hours longing for the "good 'ol days" in the garden. But he didn't need to. He had something else to let his mind dwell on - a promise. Cryptic, scant on details, undeserved - but a promise from a powerful and loving God, a promise that could be counted on.

To Pray: 
Beautiful Savior, King of Creation, Son of God and Son of Man! Truly I'd love Thee, Truly I'd serve Thee, Light of my soul, my Joy, my Crown. Amen.
All mankind fell in Adam's fall, One common sin infects us all; from sire to son the bane descends, and over all the curse impends. But Christ, the second Adam, came to bear our sin and woe and shame, To be our life, our Light, our Way, Our only Hope, our only Stay. As by one man all mankind fell And, borne in sin, was doomed to hell, So by one Man, who took our place, We all received the gift of Grace. We thank you, Christ, new life is ours, New light, new hope, new strength, new powers: This grace our every way attend Until we reach our journey's end. Amen.

For those who like more:
  • Now that you Know the Context  - Bible Connections:
    • According to the writer of Hebrews, how can we believe in creation? (Hebrews 11:3)
    • According to Peter, how is the flood like baptism? (1 Peter 3:18-22)
    • 2 Peter 3 - Peter says that there will be people who deny that God created the world. They do this because they incorrectly assume that "all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation." In other words, they assume that because we can tell from science how things evolve now that that is how things have always evolved. Therefore if it takes thousands of years for a species to adapt to a new environment, that if we take that same rate of development we can look backwards in time to figure out how things evolved to where they are now. The problem is, evolutionists don't accept that God didn't act the same way at creation as he preserves the world now. According to Peter, what danger is there for these individuals because of this thinking concerning the future?
  • Other great reading: For those of you who like the debate about evolution and creation - a great article by Seminary Professor Siegbert Becker

Friday, February 3, 2012

Introduction to The Story - Happiness

My Friend Dave eating a Kebab in Poland
I love studying economics. My wife isn’t as big of a fan. Once in a while, though, I get to explain to her some fancy economic theory. One theory is the law of diminishing marginal utility. It sounds complicated, but it’s quite simple. For instance, the other day my wife and I went to an all you can eat restaurant. I hadn’t eaten for a few hours, so the first bowl of food I just devoured. I was satisfied. The second bowl was delicious…I was very satisfied. The third bowl of food was good, but I was getting full so it really didn’t do much for me. Being the glutton I am, I went for a fourth bowl. Big mistake – my stomach was grumbling at me the rest of the night. Originally, each additional bowl brought more happiness, but at some point the opposite occurred. The more I had, the less happy I was.
Economists have found evidence that this principal even applies to money. There is no indication that those who earn more than $70,000 are any happier than those who don’t, and in fact they may have even more worries. And yet we expect “stuff” to bring us happiness. We daydream about the day that our bonus shows up in our checking account or our birthday present arrives in the mail. And it’s not just stuff, but life circumstances as well that we anticipate will bring us happiness. “If I make the team, if I get a degree, if I get the job, if we have a kid, if we buy a house, if I can retire early….” Notice: all of these things are good things! But the question isn’t if they are good. The question is: do they make us happy?
The other day I read Psalm 1. It starts out, “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night” (NIV).  When I read that, I noticed two keys to happiness - two things that will without doubt bring us happiness. The first is avoiding wickedness. It sounds simple, but the allure of sin is strong. (Isn’t it interesting that we consider them “forbidden pleasures” when in the end they really bring no pleasure at all?)But just as important as avoiding evil is delighting in God’s Word. We spend how many hours a day working harder to earn more money, pursuing a better career, making friends, improving our home, and seeking countless other pleasures? And how many hours a day do we spend doing what can actually bring pleasure - reading God’s word?
This week we are going to start reading a story. It’s not just anystory, but God’s story - or as many have called it, HIStory. I was excited when I heard about The Story because it is essentially what my wife and I did when we first started dating. At the time this book wasn’t around, but we read the key historical parts of the Bible starting at Genesis and going through Revelation in chronological order.  It’s confusing when you hear Isaiah say, “Hear the word of the LORD, you rulers of Sodom” (Isaiah 1:10) unless you understand the context in which Isaiah wrote and the Bible history which he was alluding to. The picture of the Tree of Life in Revelation 22 (the last chapter of the Bible) is much clearer once you’ve read Genesis 2 (the third chapter of the Bible.) Not only is it easier to read the Bible once you understand the history, but as you see God working in and through the lives of others, I’m sure your faith will grow just like mine did.
I’m excited to read The Story with you!  I will try to provide some guidance through this blog to help you through the readings. I’ll raise questions to consider while reading, prayers or hymns that you and your family can pray after reading the section, and thoughts as to how the chapter applies to my life – and maybe even your life. I’ll also respond to any questions that may arise during our Sunday morning Bible study that Pastor Kuerth doesn’t have time to cover, and some additional material for those of you who like to really dig in.
If you spend time as a family catching up on the latest reality TV, I think you’ll find it even more fulfilling spending some time each week hearing about real people and how God worked in their life. Reality TV may entertain you, but spend time doing something that will certainly make you happy!
That’s not to say that you can’t watch any TV. Lately my wife and I have been watching the TV show White Collar. Each week a criminal, Neal Caffrey, teams up with an FBI agent, Peter Burke, to solve crimes involving counterfeiting and racketeering. While each week there is a new case, we also catch glimpses of another story: Neal Caffrey’s search for what happened to his lost love. The creators of the show only give us clues as to what has happened to her, but week by week you get a better understanding of the “big picture.”
God reveals to us History in a similar way. Each week we will read the story or histories of different individuals – Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Peter, Paul. We will hear the accounts of different individuals, involved in different struggles, learning different truths about God and revealing important lessons for our lives. But they are all part of a bigger story – the story of our salvation. Just like we only get glimpses of what happened to Neal Caffrey’s lost love, God doesn’t give us answers to all the questions we may ask. He doesn’t provide all the details what heaven is like, or how the stars were really formed, or how Jonah could survive in the stomach of a fish. But in each chapter and each story, God reveals just what we need to know about the bigger story: the story of how he saved us from the consequences of our sin and saved us for eternal happiness in heaven.